Wednesday, June 25, 2008


For Family night this last monday we all went to Mason Lake and cleaned it all up. Wow were we all shocked when we saw how tall the grass was and how many weeds were waiting to be pulled. Nathan and Alex were lighting the weeds on fire. Maybe that was more Nathan than Alex. Alex really just stood there and watched. Casey was incharge of mowing the lawn and decided it would be funny to chase the baby brody. So you will see that he was being held by his mom, MIMI, because he was so scared after that. We all had a great time and are so excited to go up to the lake and play, play, play.


Janelle said...

Oh fun. I miss you guys, washington and banks... There was some good times for me up there.

Shauna said...

I want to come HELP! Looks like Mason needed some TLC. I bet you are getting so excited for fun fun times. :)

Jen Anderson said...

How fun just knowing that the time is coming when you will be spending these long summer days up at the lake! Kids don't seem to drive you quite as crazy when you are up at the lake and that is a great thing! I miss the lake and we all miss you guys a lot!

Barrett Bunch said...

Wow, way to go, can;t wait to come an enjoy!