Saturday, March 8, 2008

I go potty in the potty...YAH!!!!!!!

My little baby boy is growing up. Hard to believe he is already 18 months. He is just getting sooo big I can hardly stand it. His potty training is going great, he totally gets it and I think we are on the road to success. Of course we have had our far share of accidents but today all my hard work and consistancy is paying off. We even pooped on the potty, I was so proud of him. He even stays dry during naps, great for us huh?? Love this kid. He can't say potty yet but he knows when he has to go, he is so cute. NO MORE DIAPERS FOR ME!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Lucky You. Lindsay is still in diapers and she is 2 1/2.. It's my fault too though, I haven't been consistent with taking her on the potty. I feel like it would be easier if she could tell me when she has to go. I should just focus on training her. 2 kids in diapers is getting old!

Shauna said...

Happy day for you. You amaze me how you are able to get those kiddos out of diapers so fast. I consider Jacq potty trained and oppsy! We just had a little (BIG) accident. Good job Banks!

Becca said...

That's amazing! You wanna come and train Mylie? Yay for no more diapers!!

Kjrsten said...

WOW!!! Just 18 months and potty trained! good job super-mom! That is AWESOME! And so early... especially for boys (I hear they take longer, but don't actually know from any experience!)