Wednesday, April 16, 2008


We had a very interesting dinner tonight. I am trying to instill good eating habbits in the kids. I hide a lot of veggies in their food and they don't even realize they are eating them> Which is really great but also they need to learn to like veggies so I told them that we are now eating veggies and the older 2, Carter and Ryan, started crying and really thought they were going to die. But we ended up getting through it believe it or not. Ryan was the most stubborn I think she sat at the table for about 1 1/2 crying and screaming about eating 1 carrott. Yes, that was all I was asking 1 carrott. Well we made it and everybody ate 1 carrott. Mission accomplished for today.


Jen Anderson said...

Seriously though, what is wrong with children. I think Trace would rather die before he ate a carrot. But he would eat an entire bag of Doritos with ease. Stick with it Jess! You're a good mom!

Shauna said...

You are so mean! LOL! I love it! Meal time is a battle at my house. We do fruits with our meals the first half of the day and veggies with the second half. A moms got to do what a moms got to do! They'll thank you later. :)

Becca said...

That is so funny! Good for you! I love that they just had to eat one! Oh so hard! :)

Unknown said...

That is so funny...I remember crying over drinking half a cup of milk, my mom would put it in the fridge and then try and make me drink it later, gross. try giving them something to dip it in even if it is cheese.

Courtney said...

that was the funniest thing i have ever witnessed in my life! bless there hearts!