Sunday, April 20, 2008


I don't have any pictures to post today. But I thought I would just tell everyone how crazy our weather is. Yesterday we had rain, sleet, hail, snow, and sun. Yes, I am not too sure when summer is coming...and the next time some stupid liberal talks about global warming I am going to go insane. We are not experiencing an y such thing here in the great northwest. I am so ready for some nice weather, for some sun. I am not to sure when it will be here but I am kind of nervous about summer...are we going to get ine this year?? How much longer can I take this, not much I know that. We really do need to get out of this state. I have decided I am done with the northwest and the wet, wet, wet, cold, super cold weahter. Okay that is all for now just thought everyone should know that I really need some sun and warmth in my world really badly.


Unknown said...

me too, I have read too many books and want to out and be in the sun. One week in Mexico is not enough with the way this winter is going

Barrett Bunch said...

With ya there! This is the craziest weather ever...

Christine said...

My mom just told me it was 88 in Mexico today. Summer better come fast and soon, I need the kids OUTSIDE! Love the new look on the blog.

MaDeb or Deb said...

I'm with you Jess! I'm so done with the rain, hail, snow and frost destroying all my flowers. Now that Rick is out looking for a job I'm encouraging somewhere with NO rain and a lot of sunshine! Let's move somewhere together so I can always have cute hair and sun shiny days!! LOL....

Kjrsten said...

Amen sister! my flowers are dying too! I just planted some new ones! crappy cold & rain! Would you guys really leave gig? Hard to imagine! I would move to a warming climate in a heart beat!