Thursday, April 10, 2008


Ten Years Ago
I was attending Beauty School in Federal Way living at my parents house, waiting for Alex to get home from his mission so I could marry that boy.

5 Things on my to do list today
1. Run and Pilates
2. Clean the closets
3. Clean the hardwood floors
4. Weed outside
5. Make dinner, the kids want pancakes

Things I would do if I became a billionaire
I would pay my Dad back for our brillant business we started. That would be the best thing ever. I am so grateful for what the Lord has blessed my family with, I would probably just help people, family, whatever. I think I might go to Hawaii for a little bit, love, love, love that place. I never get enough sun, I love the sun.

5 of my secret bad habits
1. I workout too much
2. I spend to much money at target, I get introuble every month
3. I love peanut Butter way to much I eat it way to much it is my weakness.
4. I am not a good mother until after I get my run done, wish this wasn't the case.
5. I don't know anymore

5 Places I have lived
1. University Place
2. Provo, Utah 4 months, hated soooo much I had to come home
3. WOW that is it I have not lived anywhere else. Does that make me a sad person. Well maybe that is why I want to get out of this state so bad, I have been here way too long I need to get out of here!!!!

Jobs I have had
1. The limited (summer in high school)
2. Dad's office
3. Puget Sound Medical Supply
4. A salon for just a minute, I enjoy doing my own this in my own salon better. We have the salon downstairs it is more relaxed and people bring their kids for my kids to play with. Much better than working outside the home for me. I want to be a mom first and a working girl second.

5 things people don't know about me
1. I hate clutter
2. When I decide I am going to do something I do it no matter what I have my mind made up and I will conquer.
3. I am obsessed with exercise and eating clean
4. I hate washington it rains way to much
5. I don't know anymore secrets

I tag.......
Aunt Deb

1 comment:

Kjrsten said...

wow, we have a lot in common! I am the same about a work out and clutter! Oh am Target, yeah I hear ya, it's an evil trap for moms everywhere!